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AI Analyst

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Normal Path Error Path
flowchart LR step-0((Start)):::input step-1(Cookies Analysis):::module step-0 --- step-1 linkStyle 0 stroke:#478b18, stroke-width:4px; step-2(Local Storage Analysis):::module step-0 --- step-2 linkStyle 1 stroke:#478b18, stroke-width:4px; step-3(Session Storage Analysis):::module step-0 --- step-3 linkStyle 2 stroke:#478b18, stroke-width:4px; classDef module fill:#1a163e, stroke:#e7a721, stroke-width:1px, color: white; classDef logic fill:#983f1e, stroke: none, color: white; classDef input fill:#478b18, stroke: none, color: white;

The following graph illustrates the control flow of the playbook: the green path represents the normal flow where conditions are true, while the red path indicates the flow when conditions are false.

Image representing the Session Analysis Playbook.

bookmarks Session Analysis Playbook

Analyzes session data to identify potential security risks and anomalies.

  • Cookies Analysis
  • Local Storage Analysis
  • Session Storage Analysis
Data Data Types Modules

Web Inspector

This tool will download the HTML contents of the website and search for vulnerable keywords in the source code such as error strings, private secrets and known vulnerable keywords.

How did we do?

info It only takes us on average 3 days to add new feature requests

Web Inspector

This tool will download the HTML contents of the website and search for vulnerable keywords in the source code such as error strings, private secrets and known vulnerable keywords.

How did we do?

info It only takes us on average 3 days to add new feature requests

Web Inspector

This tool will download the HTML contents of the website and search for vulnerable keywords in the source code such as error strings, private secrets and known vulnerable keywords.

How did we do?

info It only takes us on average 3 days to add new feature requests